"If you really want something, and really work hard, and take advantage of opportunities, and never give up, you will find a way." - Jane Goodall

Monday, May 20, 2013

5 Things I Learned in UP

Disclaimer: I'm no cum laude, achiever, or gifted child.

I'm a typical engineering student who had her fair share of 5.0's, humiliations and downfalls. Presently, I've been very blessed, but before I reached this happy state, I have been through a lot of ordeals (and cried a pool of tears for that matter). And because of that I like to share these top 5 things that helped me survive in this systematized jungle I call as EEE, and life in general.

1.) Intelligence does not guarantee success - hard work does.
So what if your highly intellectual classmates can finish their codes for a day while you finish yours in a week.  Life is unfair, that's reality. But you cannot change the direction of the wind, you can only adjust your sails. If it takes you double or triple time, just work harder. Study harder. You'll learn everything at your own pace.

2.) Don't be afraid of failure. 
Failure badly hurts. It punches you right to that most vulnerable part of your being, your ego. But failure does not equate with dullness of mind, perhaps there's just something else you have to learn. Use that failure to your advantage, as motivation to push yourself harder.

3.) Nothing worth having ever comes easy.
Simply put, never give up. No matter how difficult it seems as of the present, an unexpected curve might surprise you in the end. Relatable, yes? If you feel like life has drained all the energy out of you, just keep your focus. If we can get the things we desire in just a snap of a finger, then success wouldn't be that sweet after all. Just keep going, you'll reap the fruits of your hard work soon, and when you do, all the pain will be worth it. 

4.) Good things come to those who wait (and persevere).
I know, I know, waiting feels like forever. You see everyone become successful in their own careers and you feel like you're being left behind. While everyone seems to be happy with their lives, don't panic! Create your own world, hone your skill, and perfect your craft. Great things really take time. Remember, even diamonds are produced through time and pressure.

5.) Just trust God.
He has plans for you, big ones. Always pray.

These realizations come from a girl who dreamed and worked hard to achieve that dream. :')

So long, UP. Thank you for the training.

Recently, I'm full of bliss because of so many blessings; my graduation, thesis being published, presentation at Sydney, incredible job offers. While some of my friends might wonder, why only now, you should have been at that point years ago. Yes, I took 2 years of Civil Engineering in UP Los Banos before I decided to pursue Electronics & Communications Engineering in UP Diliman. It's been a rough road, I must say. But the career shift is something I do not regret. :) 

1 comment:

  1. More power to you and congratulations, Joyce! Also, good luck with the career-defining decision you'll be making later today. ;)
